Friday, November 26, 2010

Jack Johnson - Upside Down (Sessions@AOL)

I wonder if this video will work. Oh well, in any case Thanksgiving was wonderful at the house. I have to grade a number of student papers today before heading out to Commerce City to hang out with a friend.

Poetry and I are quite the strangers these days. I hope to start writing in Jan. when I move into an apt. with a roommate. I won't have a desk, but will try to utilize the kitchen table. It's already furnished, so it should be more comfortable than most places I've lived. I did get one poem published in Women's Study Quarterly, but I need to try to publish again since I haven't in a very long time.

My mother is coming up to Denver after Christmas and I'm quite excited, as she has never visited. I have an aunt here, whom I rarely see, that we will visit.

I think I may try to do some volunteer work when I'm not working, but I'm not sure what kind as I will be reliant on the bus. I will no longer have the car as I will no longer be able to afford it. Maybe I can do something worthwhile at the center.

I am going to rest and heal and hopefully be more pleasant to deal with in the future. :)

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for where I am staying and the help I am receiving. It's been a long haul trying to learn to accept I have an illness, an illness that proves embarrassing and cost me one good friendship.

Oh well.

I wish I could be more philosophical in my posts, but I can't really postulate and premise about philosophical things. These posts are more for my sanity, I think.

I may post a list of what I'm thankful for later.


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