Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm Feeling Alright by Big Mama Thornton - Blues Diva

I feel alright this afternoon. Just submitted some poems online, and I feel good about my chances! I seem to have uncovered a large number of poems in my files. I'm very excited to be working with poems again. It's been a very long time since I felt I could write, actually engage in the process, and 90 percent of the game is getting started. Once I start I'm in the flow. Flow. Flow. Flow. Flow.

I won't be working for at least one year, maybe more, so I am going to take advantage of my time off, but the problem I have is having the funds to send manuscript out to contests. No work means no cash. I think I want to send it to one contest, but one contest wipes out my funds for the month. Seriously. Besides, I need to work on the manuscript some more, but I may be ready to send to one particular contest. I don't know. Today I sent the following poems out to a journal.

Crazy Ted talks to the Virgen de Guadalupe
Small Defiant Gods
Dear Mr. Ashbery

Mostly, I am focusing on sending poems to journals and am on a roll with that! It feels
f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c to be back in the game. And a game it is indeed.

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