Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Today I asked a mature and together 28 year old how she got to be that way and she said that it was life experience. She said she believes life experience can teach us more than books. Ouch! I have lived my life with my nose in a book, not always such a great thing! I realize now it's not a slight as I tend to personalize way too much. Again though, I had repressed trauma to the detriment of my own maturity and understanding of people and life. It's not my fault. I have to learn to rebuild trust and defer from fear.


I've been discussing the cover of my book with my editor and am very excited. I advocated for my uncle's painting, but there's a good photographer that has a woman riding on a floating horse! Ha! I haven't seen it yet but think it may persuade me. The idea does seem to go with the themes in the book. Horses again. I like talking about it as a book rather than a manuscript. The editor also knows of a good sculptor she wants me to check out for the cover. I greatly appreciate the atmosphere of discussion and mutual respect regarding what will work for the book!


I would like to go to AWP in Boston as my book will be out, but I hate to spend all that money; I'm not sure what I will do. It will be sold at AWP, so please, please pick up your copy. It is primarily about trauma and recovery-- experience--and one reason I believe still in individuality is that such trauma causes fragmentation and one lives really separated from one's true self and the world. 3: A Taos Press will have a table set up at AWP, so you can pick up your copy there! I am honored to be published with a group of very diverse and talented poets! Please check this new press out and support their efforts as they work very well and with mutual respect with their poets. When and if they open submissions, I strongly encourage this press!

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