Thursday, April 14, 2011

I realized the poetry group I'm to attend doesn't start till May 5th. I have another group of great poets that meets on Saturday, and hopefully I'll get a poem work-shopped. I have to take the bus. No gas money.

It's a problematic poem in my manuscript titled "The Breaking." I really hope to get some feedback on it, and make more copies by Sat. My second printer broke, but I exchanged it for a new one. Thank God. I really need a printer. Someone said to make the poem more dream-like using dream language, which is what I think I had initially, but I will play around with it and hopefully get some good feedback in the workshop.

Some frustration when I am not writing. I notice when I write I am just more happy than when I don't write. That said, I'm going to go try and write something.

I really love Enya, which possibly offsets my love for Dylan in some way. I am very thankful to the people who gave me the Enya CD. It's very soothing music to listen to.

Who am I kidding? I am boring!!!!!! ha

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